Sunday, 11 November 2012

Patrekr the Sharp-Minded: WIP

Here's my second 'test' model for my Space Wolves (if you can have a second test model once you've decided the paint scheme). May I present Patrekr the Sharp-Minded, a Long Fang Pack Leader with keen senses, and a keener mind undimmed by age.

For Patrekr I wanted to convey a sense of a man who's seen it all and calmly directs the fire from his pack without any fuss or stress. I decided to convert him so that he was, almost casually, leaning on his chainsword whilst surveying the scene.

I have some pre-painting shots of this mini. The following photos give a good idea of what I had to do to position the chainsword.

The right hand is a normal chainsword hand, the left hand is clipped off from a bolter-supporting left arm. The chainsword itself had to be carefully cut either side of the gripping fist and re-glued the other way around. I'm afraid I forget what the arms are from, but I suspect they are the pair of arms that attach to the pintle-mounted bolter arrangement from the Space Marine tank kits.

It took a little work to find a position with these bits that worked, but I got there in the end. The hands were pinned into the wrists and green stuff was used to fill the gap with ribbing.

I continued my little fad of sculpting fur pelts onto should pads with Patrekr. I had to be sure to make sure it hung down correctly given the angle of the pad.

The colours of the Long Fang pack markings gave me a chance to try out the Citadel Base Ceramite White. It's not bad. It meant I didn't have to bother with an off-white basecoat like I have done in the past, but it still took several coats. But, hey, you can expect miracles: we are talking about white after all.

When I'd first painted this pad, I found the white to be slightly too bright and the black slightly too, well, too black! I toned both down (or up?!) by creating a very thin glaze made by mixing Nuln Oil wash with a touch of Mechanicus Standard Grey then watering it down. It's almost not noticeable, but it did have the desired effect. It's quite an interesting technique to spike washes with a touch of regular paint. The wash allows it to flow with less surface tension than using water alone.

So my second Space Wolf model is done, aside from the base. I still need to come up with a method to paint the rocks ...

Patrekr is awaiting your comments.


  1. Looks fantastic Pingo.

    Any chance on a stage by stage for the hanging furs?


    1. Thanks a lot. I'm not building any more Wolves now so perhaps not for a while, but I'm always on the lookout for blog post ideas and I'm sure I'll be able to find a spare pad a blob of green stuff at some point.

  2. Magnificent model, so much character!

    Can't wait to see the rest of your Space Wolves painted up. By th way, have you already posted how you paint your Space Wolves? If you haven't, would that be something you'd be willing to do sometime in the near future?



    1. Hey Ludovic, I'm quite pleased with the end result and I'm glad you like him. Once I practice my techniques for the Wolves a bit more I'll take some photos as I'm working on one and post up a more comprehensive tutorial than the armour one I did.

    2. Great job as always. Great posing of the model. He looks relaxed yet attentive and ready for action.

